Accurate and reliable temperature monitoring in coldchain applications, very often, requires wired solutions.
When utilizing passive sensors such as thermistors and RTDs, measurement may substantially be affected by the cable itself and shielded cables with low resistance are not that cost efficient.
On the other hand, temperature transmitters (4...20mA or 0...10V) may do the trick with long distances, but similarly their cost can not be always tolerated.
What if there was a temperature sensor/transmitter, combining the benefits of the above? In other words a) be cost efficient and b) robust enough assuring accurate measurements unaffected by EM noise and offsets due to long cables.
We have one!
Our temperature sensors MB1-TSx do exactly that.
With almost 2 decades of exceptional performance in the field, MB1-TSx have always been the preferred sensor from our customers.
Compatible with our IoT datalogger Meton Sense and our Modbus IO extension Meton Extend, MB1-Tsx ensure wired, trouble-free, long length temperature monitoring systems. An accuracy better than +/-0.25oC is easily achieved with Meton and MB1-TSx
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